Friday, January 22, 2010

4 months To Go!!!!

So I decided a few months back to go to Tanzania with my grandmother in May... 
We will be leaving May 5th and will be spending 2 days in Holland.
And then we will be spending about a month in Tanzania! 
I am so excited to see the faces of the people I love so much!  It is truly a remarkable continent, and I am thrilled to be able to return!  I am hoping and praying that I might be able to return to South AFrica in September to attend and SBS (School of Biblical Studies through the University of the Nations). It would be for 9 months!  That would be the longest I have been away from any of my family! Especially from my twin! 
But with God's strength and courage I can do it! 
I need to raise 8,000 dollars for the SBS so any contributions would be accepted with gratitude! 
Thanks again for love and prayers! 

God bless!


amberamerica said...

By the way... the last 4 pictures were not taken by me...

jenny said...

yay for you! enjoy your traveling sister!

jenny said...

thanks for all the sweet comments on my blog :) love you and miss you sis!