Friday, January 22, 2010

4 months To Go!!!!

So I decided a few months back to go to Tanzania with my grandmother in May... 
We will be leaving May 5th and will be spending 2 days in Holland.
And then we will be spending about a month in Tanzania! 
I am so excited to see the faces of the people I love so much!  It is truly a remarkable continent, and I am thrilled to be able to return!  I am hoping and praying that I might be able to return to South AFrica in September to attend and SBS (School of Biblical Studies through the University of the Nations). It would be for 9 months!  That would be the longest I have been away from any of my family! Especially from my twin! 
But with God's strength and courage I can do it! 
I need to raise 8,000 dollars for the SBS so any contributions would be accepted with gratitude! 
Thanks again for love and prayers! 

God bless!