Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rachel's bday

Me and Britt went shopping for hours for Rachel's bday! 
But in the end she loved the results!  She loved the clothes and accessories we got for her! 

we haven't had her bday party yet though for those who are wondering...  :)

LUnch with DAnielle

I couldn't get a good picture of baby Sirus.. He wouldn't hold still...
 but oh well...  We went to lunch and had Thai food!  Yay!

MOnday's with Kaitlin

Me and Kaitlin (a youth girl) have started going to the soup kitchen together every monday... and we usually go out to eat together afterward...  (if we don't get the time to eat there)...

Lunch with Britt

Me and Britt went to lunch at the hospital when we went in to pay her bill
and there was this creepy old man who kept staring and would not break his stare down! 
It was making me so angry!  and he was an employee!  CReeper...

Good Days

Me and Britt went up to UBC (upward bound camp)
to pick up britt's things and say good bye to fellow counselors...

(very left: Britt, left: Silvina/ Cookie from Paraguay,
 middle: Peanut from philidalphia, right: Coyote from oregon)

Britt's free fish

It was a good day! We got up really early and got coffees to go
because Britt had to get there and back before work!  :)

Lunches with Mom

We (as in my and Britt) go to lunch with mom pretty often and I love it because me and mom work opposite shifts now so i hardly ever get to see her...  I love mommy...  :)

Britt is drinking blackberry Lemonade...  soooooo good

Attack of the Geese!

we gave the geese rice and they flooded to the scene.  It was intense (like the circus... ha ha).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Clint's Bday Surprise

So we go on a camping trip every year for Clintypoo's bday, and this year there was a BIG surprise...  It was supposed to be nice...

but then after breakfast things got a little messy...

Clintypoo, Coffee, and STarbucks thermis's saved the day keeping us all warm and dry...

but of course it's oregon,
and you know what they say about oregon... 
If you don't like the weather
just wait 5 minutes...

It got nice and sunny again...